Alpekid Dormi

Dormikind – specially created for correction of sleep disorders in infants and young children.

Sleep is an important component of our health, and it is especially important for children. Babies are grow, rest and store energy for exploring the world when sleeping. Duration and quality of sleep depends on the age, health and emotional state of the child.

According to statistics, sleep disorders in children – a problem of many parents. If a babe does not fall asleep for a long time, has restless sleep during the day, often wakes up at night, then Dormikind  can help to deal with the situation.

Dormikind – natural complex German product, which, thanks to its carefully selected composition, gently helps kids to return to normal sleep, helps to eliminate excessive irritability and anxiety, restores the structure of sleep. It is important that Dormikind consists of natural ingredients, is not hypnotic or sedative, and therefore does not cause lethargy and sleepiness.

Dormikind is approved for use from birth. It is recommended to dissolve Dormikind tablets in a teaspoon of water before applying for kids from 0 to 4 years.