Alpekid immune

Immunokind is a natural complex German medicine, which, thanks to its carefully selected composition, helps immune system in infants and young children to undergo the necessary stages of maturation in time, strengthens defenses of the body in fight against infection that causes frequent colds, contributes to recovery from catarrhal diseases and recovery after them.

Proper formation of the immune system in childhood – a pledge of a healthy future. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system and help it to develop properly. This is especially true of children’s immunity, which is still in the stage of maturation. Especially, one shall not hesitate, if there are signs of weakness of the immune system: the child is often sick with colds, tonsillitis, otitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, and thus the recovery is delayed each time. The children who were early transferred to artificial feeding or those living on the territory with a bad environment cannot boast of a strong immunity. What to do?

Immunokind – natural complex German product, which, thanks to its carefully selected composition, helps the immune system of infants and young children to pass in time the necessary stages of maturation, strengthens the body’s defenses to fight infection causing frequent colds, promotes recovery from colds and rehabilitation. Immunokind is approved for use for children from birth. Course of the drug administration makes up 1.5-2 months.